Eagle dance

Raptors regularly fly over my ridge, but I was startled yesterday when a mature Bald Eagle flew about 20 feet over the peak of my tree house. I ran from one room to the next to keep it in sight.

I love the way pelicans skim waves, gulls maneuver in their scavenging, startled owls silently glide away, crows play in a breeze. But the effortlessness of a Bald Eagle is a wonder all its own; the huge bird floats with intention as if gravity has been conquered by an act of sheer will.

Then that eagle was joined by another.

I don’t remember ever having seen two bald eagles dance, weaving their separate flights into a single waltz on the wind. It lasted for about five minutes, until I lost them in the distance. There is significance there, but at the moment, to use it or even find it would lessen the experience.


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About Erik Dolson

Erik Dolson is a writer living in Oregon

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