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Erik Dolson
Box 1450
Sisters, Or 97759

4 Responses to Contact

  1. Terry Sleight says:

    Congratulations on publishing your book.

  2. Erik Dolson says:

    Hello, Sleight. Good to hear from you, though if you’re on the continent, it may be for a sad reason.

  3. Claudia Wiliams says:

    Dear Erik:
    Your article on ‘Now’s Not Then’ is one of the most important and relevant concepts we need to understand and utilize in today’s current situations. Presentism applies to big concepts like sorting out laws and attitudes regarding religion, politics, but also everyday things. (“I never had a cell phone when I was in 8th grade so why do you need one?”
    Thank you. You are articulate, bold and easy to read.

    • Erik Dolson says:

      Thank you, Ms. Williams.
      Too often, it seems, we reactively “defend our bias” rather than broaden our perspective.
      There is some excellent writing on the problem from Matt Taibbi, Leighton Akira Woodhouse, Glen Greenwald as it applies to media.
      I appreciate the thought you put into your response.
      ~ Erik Dolson

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